Tuesday, December 21, 2010

End of year results

This will likely be my last post before I go on holiday, so I just wanted to post my results for the past year. It has been a challenging year for me, but I have learnt a tremendous amount! I feel like my trading has been improving, but I still have tons to learn, and I look forward to improving my performance in 2011. In the new year, I'll be posting my updated trading plan for 2011 and I'll try to post some setups in advance.

A couple of things to note: I still have 8 trades that are open (so the resulst are not totally accurate for december). I didn't trade in January 2010 for personnal reasons. Finally, these results are net of all fees and commission: I've actually added all my commissions and fees and they mount up to a staggering 39% of my profits (without fees, my YTD gains are +27%). So I'm thinking I need to find a better broker! Anyway, here are the results:

There's a few things I noticed: first of all, I was clearly overtrading in October and November this year, especially given the small size of my account. Secondly, my monthly returns have been very inconsistent  throughout the year (ie all over the place), so my plan going forward is to try and limit losses when my trading is not going well. I will try to sit out of the market when there is no clear trend, like this past summer. And lastly, I'd like to keep my win ratio above 50%. If I'm more wrong then right, I should probably just sit and do nothing! That's it for now... feel free to send me your comments here on the blog, or cath_campbell at hotmail dot com.

I wish everyone happy holidays and I look forward to 2011!


  1. Fantastic work Cath. Well deserved. Best of luck for 2011!


  2. congrats catherine! i've set a goal for myself to get 15% consistent returns and it's so great to see that you've made it there. this gives me hope!

    i hope you continue to post more of your trades and how you've managed them :)

  3. Good work, Cath. I look forward to improving with you throughout 2011. Let's do this =)

    PS. commission is too rediculous! new broker!
